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The Hypnobabies Home Study Program

If you are unable to attend a live class, I highly recommend the Hypnobabies Home Study Course. 

The Self-Study program was created by Hypnobabies to accommodate those who are unable to take a live class for whatever reason (maybe there are location issues, perhaps a group class doesn't work for you/your schedule or even the group you'd like to register for is full for example).


The success (& satisfaction) rate of this program is very high. 

Can't Decide Between a Live Class or the Self-Study Program?

See below for a comparison of the differences of the Home Study vs the Live Class option.


Supplement Your Home Study Experience with MY Help!

Many Home Study families choose to supplement their self-guided experience by working with me in any number of ways: scheduling a private, one-on-one getting started session or a review session after completing the self-study course, email support and more! 

"We were unable to take a live class because Jenn's group classes were full. The private session was the perfect add-on to complete our Hypnobabies self-directed training." 
- H.A. Burbaby, BC


Hypnobabies Home Study

Live Class


6 Weeks


  • Your questions answered by an instructor (during class and in between classes) who is is knowledgeable about childbirth and trained in hypnosis

  • More detailed information on every subject

  • Relevant Canadian clarifications and information on local hospital policies and procedures

  • Additional handouts

  • 6 Hypnobabies scripts in a booklet for use in daily Hypnobabies practice.

  • Demonstrations of all Hypnobabies hypnosis techniques

  • An instructor to help motivate you and to be accountable to from week to week

  • Connect with other mothers and couples and build new friendships

  • Enjoy the group class setting and all the fun that goes along with it

  • A Birth Rehearsal in Class # 6, which is invaluable for helping each Hypno-Mom fully understand and experience their Hypnobabies techniques in a simulated birthing scenario; complete with Birth Balls, changing positions, walking etc. The Birth Rehearsal is also great practice for the Birth Partner to use his deepening cues and other techniques that help the mom so wonderfully during labour. This helps build the confidence level of Mom and the Birth Partner tremendously.

  • Depth assessment of each student’s hypnosis levels by the Hypnobabies instructor

  • Prenatal exercise demonstration and practice

  • In-depth explanations, demonstrations and practice of the “Abdominal Lift & Tuck” to avoid back labour and to encourage a posterior baby to turn

  • Optimal Fetal Positioning explanations and demonstrations to prevent posterior presentation

Birth Partner Involvement:

  • Birth partners are learning right along with you and are encouraged to be very involved in the process

  • Much of class 5 is dedicated to our wonderful birth partners so they are fully prepared to assist you on the big day

  • Couples are encouraged to work together with their hypnosis scripts as they prepare for their baby’s birth

  • All hypnosis scripts are also provided on CD or MP3

  • Suitable for single parents

Home Study


6 Weeks


  • Being able to start the program whenever works best for you

  • The flexibility of working through the program at your own pace

  • Budget-friendly





Birth Partner Involvement:

  • It is up to the birthing parent to include their birth partner in what they are learning and to teach them what they need to know or direct them to what they need to learn on their own to assist her when the time comes

  • All hypnosis scripts (except one) are provided on CD or MP3 

  • Suitable for single parents or those whose partners won't be involved. 

FAQ: Should I take a Hypnobabies class or do the home study course?

A) Our Hypnobabies Home Study Course for Expectant Mothers is being used with great success by mothers all over the world right now, and it contains the same basic curriculum, hypnosis scripts and cues, but we suggest that anyone who is near a Hypnobabies Instructor take our Hypnobabies Class with a Certified Hypnobabies Instructor (HCHI certified). The benefits of attending a Hypnobabies Class include:

  • More detailed information on every subject.

  • Your questions answered by our instructors who are knowledgeable about childbirth, and trained in hypnosis.

  • Additional handouts.

  • 5 Hypnobabies scripts in a booklet for use in daily Hypnobabies practice.

  • Demonstrations of all Hypnobabies hypnosis techniques.

  • Depth assessment of each student’s hypnosis levels by the

  • Hypnobabies instructor.

  • Phone consultations with your Hypnobabies Instructor.

  • Prenatal exercise demonstration and practice.

  • Hands-on training for Birth Partners, who receive a “Birth Partner’s Guide” booklet for use during birthing, and the Birth Partner’s “Relax & Feel Confident” hypnosis audio track.

  • In-depth explanations, demonstrations and practice of the “Abdominal Lift & Tuck” to avoid back labor and to encourage a posterior baby to turn.

  • Optimal Fetal Positioning explanations and demonstrations to prevent posterior presentation.

  • A Birth Rehearsal in Class # 6, which is invaluable for helping each Hypno-Mom fully understand and experience their Hypnobabies techniques in a simulated birthing scenario; complete with Birth Balls, changing positions, walking etc. The Birth Rehearsal is also great practice for the Birth Partner to use his deepening cues and other techniques that help the mom so wonderfully during labor. This helps build the confidence level of Mom and the Birth Partner tremendously.

  • Information about postpartum care, new baby care, breastfeeding, bonding and more.


And……from our former VP of Hypnobabies (now retired), Carole Thorpe:
“I would add FUN!!! A lot of kidding and just plain silliness happens in my Hypnobabies classes. Camaraderie is not to be underestimated. Generally, I have noticed that some of the birth partners show up to Class One and exhibit the body language/attitude of "OHMIGOSH!...what has my wife gotten me into now?!" The classroom setting with other couples helps them to see that they are not alone in this "different" way to help their wife have their baby. It is helpful to hypno-dads/birth partners to see that Hypnobabies can be beautiful and effective, and also enjoyable.”


Personally, I (Jenn) couldn't agree more! 
We have lots of laughs in my classes and I always encourage my students to exchange contact information which leads to lasting friendships.  I love staying in touch with the families who take my classes and hold regular annual events. 

The birth of your baby is such a special event and deserves to have as much celebration involved as possible!

Contact Me

(604) 375-8831

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